Bio Lab Entrance

From WarfareRO Wiki

Requirement: Base level 60 or higher

Step 1

NPC: Security Guard (3 o'clock position of Lighthalzen)

Coordinates: lighthalzen,267,200

Item requirements: N/A

Quest Item: N/A

  • Talk to the guard, there is a high chance that he will stop you. Just keep talking to him and eventually you can sneak in while he fall asleep on duty.


Step 2

NPC: Fishbone (Near the bar in the slum district up the hill)

Coordinates: lighthalzen,341,224

Item requirements: Jellopy(item id #909) x 20pcs

Quest Item: N/A

  • He claim that he is the only person that can make a route to the laboratory. All you have to do is beg him to tell you the way. You just have to talk to him multiple times (be an enter spammer if you like) until he asks you to bring 20 jellopies. When you bring them to him, he will tell you a few things about the laboratory. After that, talk to him again and he will warp you a cubic room for the next part of the quest.


Step 3


Coordinates: N/A

Item requirements: N/A

Quest Item: N/A

  • So here is the maze you have to go through before finding the next room. Using /where and pay attention to your position in the minimap will help you not to run in circles.

Basically every room looks the same. First you should always type /where after entering a portal. If you end up in one of the following 3 rooms, follow the directions below to find your way to the next room: Room 10, 74: Take the south portal, then in the next room take the west portal. Room 66, 18: Take the north porta, then in the next room take the west portal. Room 10, 18: Take the south portal, then in the next room take the west portal.

You should end up in a room that look like someone has been living there.

Note: The position you got warped into this map is randomly determined by Fishbone. So don't expect to be always on the same place when warped in. Warps in each room might also be randomized so memory will not be useful here.


Step 4


Coordinates: N/A

Item requirements: N/A

Quest Item: Laboratory Permit

  • In the following room, there are clues on various fixtures. Follow the clues to get the Laboratory Permit and then get out of the room.

For each of the text box you encounter from clicking on fixtures in this room, you are supposed to type in the key or tool you wish to use. Below is the step by step walkthrough. You have to enter the red text into the text boxes in game, please keep in mind the answers to the text boxes are case-sensitive. (It's best to type the name of the item exactly as the NPC refer it to.) 1) Desk: Look Below the desk, you will get a Short Stick. 2) Bed: Look Below the bed, you will find another Short Stick (and another item hidden under the bed). You put the two sticks end to end and got a Long Stick. 3) Bed (again): Look Below the bed again, use the Long Stick to pull out the object you previously can't reach (type 'Long Stick' in the text box). You will get a Cube Model. 4) Cup (Goblet): Look what is inside, you will find a Rusty Key. 5) Shelf (Chemicals): Use the Rusty Key. You will get a Green Key. 6) Closet (Cabinet): Use the Green Key to open the closet, you will get a Polygon Model. 7) Documents (Bundle of Files): Search the documents. You will find a Red Key. 8) Drawer: Open the drawer with the Red Key. You will get a Jackknife. 9) Picture: Use the Jackknife on the picture, you will see a set of number behind the picture. You should write down this set of numbers for later use.

(In eAthena there are only 3 sets of numbers. If you enter spammed the numbers away, you might want to try these: 4 3 2 9 1 6 8 2 7, 3 6 4 1 2 8 7 1 5 or 4 9 3 7 6 2 8 6 6.)

10) Box (1) (Chest): Take the axe in the box. 11) Barrel: Break the barrel with the Axe. Examine the barrel after you break it. You will get a number panel with the numbers 1~9. At this time, you will be asked to input 9 numbers into the panel.

Take the set of numbers you obtained from behind the picture, enter it one by one into the panel. When you typed in the correct numbers, the box will open and a Yellow Key is inside.

12) Power Generator: Use the Yellow Key to turn off the machine. 13) Lamp (Status Light): Smash the Light. A Black Key will fall out. 14) Experiment Tube: Use the Black Key. You will get an Oval Model 15) Box (2): For the Oval hole insert the Oval Model. For the Cube hole insert the Cube Model. For the Polygonal hole insert the Polygon Model. After all holes are filled with keymodels, examine the box again and open it. You will find a Laboratory Permit. 16) Test Tube (again): Use the Laboratory Permit and a stair leading down will appeared on the floor. Go Down. Next you will see yourself in a sewer, just walk your way out.


Step 5

NPC: Sewer Pipe (Top right corner of Lighthalzen)

Coordinates: lighthalzen,313,301

Item requirements: N/A

Quest Item: N/A

  • Out of the sewer, you will find yourself at the top right corner of Lighthalzen. There are a few Sewer Pipe next to you. Look for the chat bubble on the pipes, once you found it you will have the option to enter it. After walking a short stripe of pipe you will end up in the Bio Laboratory. So, next time when you want to get to the Bio Lab, just enter from the Sewer Pipe.

Note 1: You cannot use someone else Laboratory Permit. You must finish the quest yourself in order to get in. After you finish the quest, you may enter the Lab without a permit.

Note 2: To enter Bio Lab Level 3 you must be a non-transcendent class at base level 95 or higher or a transcendent class at base level 90 or higher.

credits to RatemyServer :